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2023 Lee’s Summit Water Utilities Customer Survey Results

2023 Lee’s Summit Water Utilities Customer Survey Results

Lee’s Summit Water Utilities released results from the 2023 Customer Satisfaction Survey that show customer satisfaction ratings significantly higher than the U.S. and regional averages. The survey is administered by ETC Institute to a random sample of households and provides a snapshot of how customers view the delivery of water and sewer services.

Of the 402 respondents, 84% indicated overall satisfaction with the delivery of services, a 2% increase over last year. As a whole, customers continue to have confidence in the reliability of water service (96%), the reliability of sanitary sewer service (95%), the clarity of drinking water (89%), the smell of drinking water (88%) and variety of bill payment options available (87%).

“We appreciate our customers investing their time in helping us with our goal of continual improvement,” said Director of Water Utilities Mark Schaufler. “The information provided helps us better understand customer perspectives and expectations and ensures our priorities align with those of our customers.”  

When asked to identify the top four service items that should receive the most emphasis over the next two years, respondents indicated in order of importance the safety of drinking water, taste of drinking water, water service charges, and reliability of water service.

Water Utilities will use survey results as one of several tools to measure performance, focus improvements and help shape future plans. Survey data is available at


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