Transparency Hub

The Lee’s Summit Missouri Police Department takes great pride in the relationship we have built with our community and the tremendous public support that we receive.  In support of that relationship, the Police Department has created a Transparency Hub to share information on important topics related to our daily operations.

Below, you will find two web links; the first link takes you to our page that details “Department Practices”, here you will find information about body cameras, use of force, de-escalation training and our hiring process.  The second link is to our FLOCK camera transparency hub that answers common questions about the program and gives real time statistics on their use.

Police Department Practices

FLOCK Camera Transparency Hub

LSPD Department Policies

LSPD Policy 200.29 -- Automated License Plate Reader Policy

LSPD Policy #100.01 - Use of Force Regulations and Application

LSPD Policy #100.03 Use of Force Reporting and Investigations

LSPD Policy #100.04 - Code of Conduct - Rules and Regulations

LSPD Policy #100.05 - Complaints