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Summit Waves Aquatic Facility

A teen party rental scheduled for the evening of August 6 at Summit Waves was canceled by Lee’s Summit Parks and Recreation after it became aware of social media posts advertising the event. This raised serious concerns about the safety of party guests and the possibility the event would grow beyond the capacity of staff.

After multiple attempts to reach the renter in advance of the event to discuss safety concerns, a connection was not made until the hours leading up to the event. At that point, the only recourse was to cancel the event. Despite the cancellation, approximately 500 teens arrived in the Summit Waves parking lot.

Lee’s Summit Parks and Recreation is committed to ensuring the safety of all patrons and will continue to work with the renter. 


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City Crews Treating Streets Today, Tuesday, Jan. 16

City Crews Treating Streets Today, Tuesday, Jan. 16

The City’s crews are treating streets today, Tuesday, Jan. 16. Crews will continue working until all primary, secondary and residential streets have been treated. The extremely cold temperatures will limit the effectiveness of salt and streets may remain snow packed and slick; however, the sun and warming temperatures through Wednesday, Jan. 17, should help with melting. Drivers should continue to use caution.

City Crew Treating Intersections and Primary Streets as Needed Tonight, Monday, Jan. 15

City Crew Treating Intersections and Primary Streets as Needed Tonight, Monday, Jan. 15

The City has a small crew working tonight, Monday, Jan. 15, treating intersections with salt. Salt is much less effective in extremely cold temperatures but may help with traction and prevent some of the slickness in these locations. Crews also will be checking primary streets and treating them as needed. Streets will be slick and drivers should use caution. While there is currently not enough snow to plow, the City will continue to monitor the weather and update its...
City Crews Prepared to Respond as Needed to Snow Monday, Jan. 15

City Crews Prepared to Respond as Needed to Snow Monday, Jan. 15

The City’s crews prepared trucks and equipment to respond as needed today, Monday, Jan. 15, due to the forecast for light snow. Extremely cold weather limits the effectiveness of salt treatments and streets may be slick. Drivers should use caution. The City will continue to monitor the weather and will call out crews as needed for response.   

City Crews Treating Streets as Needed Today, Friday, Jan. 12

City Crews Treating Streets as Needed Today, Friday, Jan. 12

The City’s crews treated all streets with salt overnight into today, Friday, Jan. 12. With light snow expected today, crews will continue to monitor and treat streets as needed. Temperatures have fallen and will remain dangerously cold through the weekend and into next week. Extremely cold temperatures limit the effectiveness of salt, and streets may remain snow packed and slick. Drivers should continue to use caution.

City Crews Pre-Treating Streets Tonight, Thursday, Jan. 11

City Crews Pre-Treating Streets Tonight, Thursday, Jan. 11

The City’s crews are pre-treating streets with salt tonight, Thursday, Jan. 11, in advance of another round of winter weather. Temperatures may fall below freezing earlier than previously expected, and will stay there. Crews may need to treat primary streets again as temperatures drop and streets get slick. Drivers should use caution especially on elevated surfaces such as bridges and overpasses.
