Stormwater BMP Inspection

Stormwater best management practices (BMPs) are crucial in capturing, retaining and treating pollutants in runoff to protect water quality. These proactive measures act as a filtration system, removing harmful chemicals, sediment and debris before they enter our waterways. The Missouri Department of Natural Resources mandates annual inspections to ensure BMPs are functioning properly, evaluating factors like clogged drains, vegetation health and potential erosion issues.

Common BMPs

Wet Detention Basin
Infiltration Trench
Pervious Pavers


Best Management Practice

  • Detention basins, both wet and dry (most common BMP).
  • Rain gardens.
  • Infiltration trenches.
  • Vegetated swales.
  • Mechanical devices within stormwater inlets are also types of BMPs.

BMPs play a very important role in preserving and keeping pollutants out of streams by controlling the runoff.

Inspections ensure that BMPs are functioning properly. Inspection checks include vegetation health and potential erosion issues.

Annual inspections will be required for all BMPs, both new and existing, beginning in 2024.

A professional engineer licensed in the state of Missouri is required to perform the inspection and submit the inspection report to the City.

The BMP owner will be notified and required to repair the deficiency.

  • Overgrown vegetation and/or trees within a basin requiring removal.
  • Broken pipes or outlet structures requiring repair or replacement.
  • Silt and/or debris removal.

Development Services at 816.969.1200.