Site-Specific Gateway Resources

Downtown Market Plaza Public Art

The Cultural Arts Division has several current and future public art opportunities for the Downtown Market Plaza, an ambitious mixed-use project in the heart of downtown Lee’s Summit. The project centers around a new farmers market pavilion, an outdoor performance area, vibrantly designed streetscapes, and several permanent and temporary public art installations. This dynamic project will complement the historic Downtown Lee’s Summit district as a long-lasting asset to the Lee’s Summit community. This public-private capital development project broke ground in October 2023 and is scheduled to open in late spring 2025. 

A detailed overview of the project and associated public art opportunities can be viewed on the project website. 

Project Website 


Entryway Public Art Finalists Resources


The Lee’s Summit Cultural Commission seeks to commission a professional visual artist, or artists team, to create an outdoor, site-specific, or site-responsive art piece to be placed at the new Downtown Market Plaza’s main entrance. This location is the first space visitors will see when approaching the facility from Third Street to the south of the Plaza and Farmer’s Market. It will be highly visible to pedestrians and vehicular traffic. It will be the primary entry point and gathering/meeting space on the facility’s southern boundary. This piece is meant to serve as an iconic beacon and gateway installation for the Downtown Market Plaza development.

Budget: $100,000

Tentative Timeline

  • June 17th Concept proposal sent to the City of Lee’s Summit
  • June 24th – 26th Zoom presentation of concept with Committee
  • June 27th – July 12th Public Review of concepts
  • July 18th – Artists will be notified of the final deliberation

Concept Requirements 

  •       Illustrated final concept design
  •         Design concept plan
  •       Description of how this design would fit within our community and new development
  •       Budget, not to exceed $100,000


Site Specifications

  • A round 12ft concrete base for artwork is what is scheduled currently, with enough notification there is a possibility to change
  • Kansas City - reused brick as ground flooring surrounding base, red-brown traditional colored brick
  • Artwork can be illuminated if desired, an electrical circuit is available
  • Please keep in mind, that there will be nature surrounding the area such as trees, and other nature scapes in reds, browns, and greens. 
  • Behind the artwork, there will be five white wickets with colored textiles that provide shade.  


History of Lee's Summit