April 4, 2017 City Election

City of Lee’s Summit voters were asked to consider several questions as part of the April 4, 2017 ballot initiative.  All of the questions were broken into three categories:  1) City Charter Amendments (Questions 1–12);  2) Capital Improvements Sales Tax Continuation (Tax Renewal Question "A") and the final question 3) Recall District 4 Councilmember Christopher Moreno (Question No. 13) for District 4 voters only.

1. City Charter Amendments

Lee's Summit's City Charter is the core document that defines the organization, powers, functions, and essential procedures of city government, comparable to the Constitution of the United States or Missouri's State Constitution.  Originally adopted by voters in 1996, any changes or amendments to the Charter must be approved by voters.

The Charter requires that at least once every 10 years the City Council appoint a group of citizens, known as the Charter Review Commission, to review the Charter and recommend to the voters any proposed amendments. The first Charter Review Commission convened in 2006 and six amendments were considered and approved by voters in 2007.

The second Charter Review Commission, comprised of 12 citizen members, began meeting in January of 2016.  After nearly a year of deliberation, the Commission proposed 12 amendments to be placed on the ballot for voter consideration in April of 2017. 

2. Capital Improvement Sales Tax Continuation

Election Results: 
Yes: 6,504 (76.22%) | No: 956 (36.91%)

The City of Lee’s Summit asked voters to consider whether or not to continue the ½-Cent Capital Improvement Sales Tax for a period of 15 years (2018-2033). Funds generated from continuing this sales tax will provide for road, transportation-related, and stormwater projects. The Capital Improvements Sales tax was originally approved by voters in 1997 and continued by voters in 2007.   View the Project Detail List

Quick Facts

The current tax was first approved by voters in 1997 for a period of 10 years, and continued in 2007 for another 10 years. 

The current tax expires in March 2018

If approved this tax will continue for 15 years (2018-2033).

This is not a new tax or tax increase - it is the continuation of a current tax.

The continuation of the tax would allow for funding of stormwater infrastructure throughout the city, as well as road and transportation-related projects. 

The continued tax could generate approximately $100-million for road, transportation-related and stormwater projects over the next 15-years.

What is the 1/2-Cent Capital Improvement Sales Tax?

The current ½-cent Capital Improvement Sales Tax, often called the CIP Sales Tax, was initially approved by voters in 1997 for a period of 10 years (1998-2008), and was continued in 2007 for an additional 10 years (2008-2018). The funds generated by this sales tax can be used for capital improvements only. A number of road projects identified in the City’s Thoroughfare Master Plan make up a large part of the funding request. Transportation-related projects and stormwater infrastructure would also be funded with this continuation.

Is this a New Tax?

This is a continuation of a current tax, and not a new tax or tax increase. The current ½-cent Capital Improvement Sales Tax is scheduled to expire in March 2018. If voters approve the continuation of the CIP Sales Tax on April 4, 2017, the tax would not begin until April 1, 2018 and would continue for 15 years, expiring on March 31, 2033. 

What ís Different About this Continuation?

If approved, this sales tax continuation will also become a source of funding for stormwater infrastructure throughout the City. In addition, the continuation period is 15 instead of 10 years.

What will Happen if the 1/2-Cent Capital Improvement Sales Tax is Continued?

The continuation of the ½-Cent Capital Improvement Sales Tax will provide funding for more than $100-million worth of road, transportation-related and stormwater infrastructure over the next 15 years (2018-2033).

3. Recall Petition - District 4 only

Election Results:  
Yes: 1,634 (63.09%) | No: 956 (36.91%)

The City of Lee's Summit was petitioned by registered voters of District 4 for the recall of District 4 Councilmember Christopher Moreno in conformance with the Charter for the City of Lee's Summit.  A recall petition requires at least thirty percent of the total number of votes cast for the office in which the councilmember was elected, thereby requiring 524 valid signatures in order to constitute a sufficient petition. The petition was certified by the Jackson County Board of Election Commissioners as containing 621 valid signatures from registered voters in District 4, a sufficient number to place the question on the April 4, 2017 ballot.  This issue appeared on the ballot as Question No. 13 only for voters in District 4. 


April 4, 2017 Election Handout