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Powered Paraglider Operations

Lee's Summit Airport, in close collaboration with local PPG operators, has developed operating guidelines specific to PPG operations at our airport. These guidelines have been designed to prioritize your safety and enhance the efficiency of everyone who uses the Airport. Before your first flight at Lee’s Summit Airport, we urge you to review the Map below, read the PPG Operating Guidelines, and ensure compliance with the operating requirements below.

Lee’s Summit Airport PPG Operating Requirements:

a) All pilots desiring to conduct PPG operations at KLXT shall register with the airport manager or designee before their first fight.

b) The airport manager or designee will conduct a safety and local area orientation briefing to familiarize the pilot with the hazards associated with operating at KLXT.

c) PPG pilots are expected to pay a PPG pilot registration fee ($125 annual fee or $25 15-day visitor fee). These fees will contribute to the maintenance and upkeep of the PPG Landing Zone (LZ).

d) PPG pilots will attest they are familiar with and operate within the parameters of the FAA documents listed in section 3.

e) PPG pilots will follow procedures listed in section 4.

f) Once the airport manager or designee has briefed the PPG pilot, and the PPG pilot has paid their registration fee; then the airport manager or designee will issue the pilot a KLXT PPG pilot identification card (must be carried while operating at KLXT), will assign the pilot a KLXT specific callsign (to aid in communications and identification in the pattern), will grant the pilot access to the airside of KLXT and will issue the pilot the current gate access code.

Click the links below to Download the Lee’s Summit Powered Parachute Operating Guidelines and PPG Map.

Powered Paraglider Operating Guidelines      PPG Map