Parks & Recreation Board

The Parks and Recreation Board consists of nine citizens, appointed by the mayor and confirmed by the City Council.  One council member, appointed by the mayor, serves as a non-voting liaison.  The City Council may review any action of the Board, except personnel actions, through a prescribed administrative hearing process.   


The following is a list of duties assigned to the Park Board:

  1. Adopt by-laws, rules and regulations for their own guidance and for the governance of the parks, in conjunction with Missouri State Statutes;
  2. Control the supervision, improvement, care and custody of parks and recreation activities;
  3. Appoint, suspend or remove and render the annual performance review of the Parks and Recreation Administrator;
  4. Control the expenditure of all monies collected for and deposited to the credit of the parks and recreation fund;
  5. Acquire or dispose of real property; and,
  6. Submit to the Council, an annual report, on or before the second Monday of June, containing such information as the Council shall require.

James Huser, President
Samantha Shepard, Vice President
Jon Ellis, Treasurer
Casey Crawford
Kathy Campbell
Mindy Aulenbach
Wesley Fields
Nate Zier
Lawrence Bivins

City Council Liaison: Councilmember Cynda Rader