Board of Appeals

The Board of Appeals consider and decide appeals of orders, decisions or determinations made by the Building Official, Fire Chief, or City Engineer relative to the application and interpretation of the adopted building codes, fire codes, and Design and Construction Manual accordingly.  In addition, the Board of Appeals also serves as the Contractor Licensing Board which hears matters related to contractor performance concern(s) related to building construction. 

Board of Appeals members are appointed by the Mayor and approved by the City Council and must be experienced in diversified building and construction trades.  There are 7 full-time members and two alternates, all appointed to three year terms.


  • To serve as a recommending body to the City Council on matters requesting waivers to the building codes, fire code and Design and Construction Manual (infrastructure requirements).
  • To review updated editions to the International Building and Fire Codes for recommendation to the City Council.
  • Has the authority to admonish, reprimand and otherwise discipline any contractor including suspension or revocation of the contractor’s license for specified reasons as outlined in the contractor licensing provisions.

The Board of Appeals meets as needed.

Meredith Brennan
John G. Brown
Robert Crance
Dana Miller
Steve Patterson
Rodney Loesch
Manuel Esriche

Sarah Knights (alternate)
Dennis Hensen (alternate)

Department Liaison 
Development Services