Board of Aeronautic Commissioners

The Board of Aeronautic Commissioners shall engage in public outreach related to the Airport. The Board may make recommendations for the Airport based on public outreach, the Airport Master Plan, the Airport Business Plan, and the approved Airport Budget. The nine voting citizen members are appointed by the mayor, with the confirmation of the City Council for three-year terms.


  • Engage in public outreach related to the Airport.
  • Make recommendations for the Airport based on public outreach, the Airport Master Plan, the Airport Business Plan, and the approved Airport Budget.
  • Maintain a vision for the Airport to support the mission and goals of the City.
  • Make recommendations on rules and regulations for consideration by City staff and the Council regarding operations at the Airport.
  • Provide input for periodic updates to the Airport Master Plan and Airport Business Plan.

Established by Ordinance 9575.

Tom Townsend, Chairperson
James Brady, Vice Chair
Bill Haley
Adam Shimmens
John T. Hightower, Jr.
Phil Mall
Darryl Nelson, MD
Steve Rich
Joseph Towns

City Council Liaison
Councilmember Mia Prier

Department Liaison
Joel Arrington, Airport Manager