Serving the City of Lee’s Summit as fire chief for my first full year in 2020 will definitely be a year I remember. While most would assume it is due to the pandemic, for me, it was about how Fire Department personnel pulled together to not only maintain high-quality standards in service and operations to the community during these never-experienced times but also because our personnel was able to focus on continual improvement in all facets of the organization. I continue to feel blessed for the opportunity to lead this exceptional organization.

This report serves as a record of our 2020 activities and accomplishments. I know there is no true way to document all of the activities that have occurred in a historical 2020. Countless hours have been focused on maintaining a healthy environment for our employees so they are able to respond to emergencies and needs within our community. There was a reduction in some activities that were specifically targeted to eliminate additional exposures to personnel, such as annual company fire safety inspections. While COVID-19 related issues shut the door on some activities, it also opened up new opportunities, for example, virtual fire truck tours.

This year required a lot of understanding, collaboration and willingness to adapt. I believe we met that challenge, but ultimately none of it could have been accomplished without the continued support and combined efforts of all Fire Department employees, city employees, elected officials and most importantly our community.

Chief Mike Snider


Fire Station No. 3 Opens!

Fire Station No. 3 opened in August 2020. The new station located at 2023 NW Shamrock Ave. was approved by voters as part of a 2016 No-Tax Increase General Obligation Bond to fund public safety improvements.

Fire Station Map
(Click to view map)

The City of Lee's Summit has seven fire stations located throughout the City. All units are tracked by GPS and the dispatch program sends the closest unit(s) in response to an incident. 

Station No. 4 Aquisition

In 2019, voters approved a no-tax increase general obligation bond to fund public safety initiatives which included the replacement of Station No. 4 at 404 NE Woods Chapel Rd. Land for the replacement station was purchased in 2020 at the intersection of Lakewood Way and Bowlin Rd. Construction of the new station will begin in 2021. 

Fire Suppression

Most Common
Room of Origin

Fire Prevention

Public Education

Emergency Medical Services

Other Statistics


15 Licensed Tents
110 Tent Inspections

Busiest Time, Day and Month for Activity